
Call Us:(404) 865-8622

Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sat & Sun CLOSED

55 Trinity Avenue, S.W., City Hall Tower

Suite 1225
Atlanta, GA 30303

About Us

The Atlanta Citizen Review Board (ACRB) was established by City Ordinance in 2007 (Amended May 2010 and May 2016). The purpose of the legislation is to ensure that city departments directly responsible for public safety, particularly the Police Department and the Department of Corrections have the proper support of the government and its various agencies. It is designed to provide citizen oversight of misconduct accusations against sworn members of the police and corrections departments in the City of Atlanta. It provides a credible, independent forum where complaints and accusations can be assessed. It is also designed to help prevent future incidents of police or corrections misconduct and abuses of civil rights and to reduce the amount of money needed to satisfy judgments and settlements based on upon allegations of police or corrections misconduct. The ACRB promotes public confidence in law enforcement and lessens the possibility that future incidents of urban unrest will occur. The ACRB is comprised of fifteen members, selected from various constituencies throughout the City. The selection process is designed to reflect the diversity and interests of a broad spectrum of the community.

The appointments are assigned as follows:

Appointed by the Mayor: Jim Wright

Appointed by the City Council: Christopher Brown

Appointed by the President of the Council: Christine B. Lloyd

Appointed by Neighborhood Planning Unit Group A-F: Kelvin Williams

Appointed by Neighborhood Planning Unit Group G-L: Cheyenne Morrin

Appointed by Neighborhood Planning Unit M-R: Dr. Conchita “Faye” Floyd

Appointed by Neighborhood Planning Unit S-Z: Adrianne Proeller

Appointed by Gate City Bar Association: Germaine Austin

Appointed by the Atlanta Bar Association: Vacant

Appointed by the League of Women Voters: Sharese Reyes

Appointed by the Atlanta Business League: Judy Walker

Appointed by the Urban League of Greater Atlanta: Leah Pulliam

Appointed by the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda: Vacant

Appointed by Atlanta University Center Consortium, Inc. (1st 18-to-30-Year-Old Appointee)Marcus Washington

Second 18-to-30-Year-Old Appointee: Pending Council Approval and Charter Change

The Board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month on the Second Floor of City Hall in Committee Room One.  The ACRB office is located in Suite 1225, Tower Building of City Hall, on the first floor. The Board accepts complaints, investigates the complaints, and is authorized to conduct hearings to resolve complaints and make recommendations to the Chief of Police and Corrections, the Mayor and City Council. The ACRB may investigate complaints that fall into the following categories:

The ACRB was created to provide a fair, open, transparent and independent venue for complaints against sworn members of the Atlanta Police and Corrections Department.

Our goal is to: