
Call Us:(404) 865-8622

Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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55 Trinity Avenue, S.W., City Hall Tower

Suite 1225
Atlanta, GA 30303

ACRB Mediation Program

ACRB Content Writers Club

Lauren McCall

ACRB Mediation Program


The ACRB Mediation Program was created to help produce a neutral setting for dispute resolution between citizens and law enforcement. This program was made to provide a way to create dialogue between citizens who have filed complaints against law enforcement, along with improving the interaction between both parties. This program opens up opportunities for citizens and law enforcement to find a resolution for conflicts in alternative ways. In the ACRB Mediation program, the citizen, officer, and a neutral third-party mediator can meet in a safe environment. These meetings often reveal the perceptions of the parties involved along with biases each person may have. This is a helpful program because it is often quicker than investigations and provides an informal resolution for complaints.

Lauren M. is a music professional in the Atlanta area.