Myola Smith has been employed with the City of Atlanta for over six years in the Executive Office. While providing Administrative Support to the Deputy Chief of Staff and later becoming the Mayor’s Scheduling Coordinator, she was also asked by the Administration to serve as a liaison between Atlanta Citizen Review Board and the various departments within City government.
In addition to her duties in the Mayor’s Office, she assisted the Chair and other board members with getting organized and receiving assistance from the various City departments necessary for the Board to become fully functional. This included identifying and reserving meeting space for monthly board meetings; gathering information for the City’s website; interacting with Finance to access the budget, and working with Human Resources Generalists receiving and organizing 179 applications and resumes resulting from a nation-wide search for an Executive Director. When the applicants were selected and ranked according to the most qualified, she contacted each candidate and arranged weekend interviews with the Board’s Personnel Committee. The interview process for the top 14 applicants extended over a period of three months before a selection was made for the Board’s consideration. In the meantime, Myola continued working with building asset managers to identify office space for the staff soon to be hired. She met with the city’s security personnel to gain secured ID cards for each board member and met with vendors to acquire quotes for office equipment and supplies. When a generous furniture donation was made to the Board, Myola contacted the Law Department and gather information necessary to write legislation to legally accept the donation.
Before the office was opened and staff hired, she was considered the point of contact for the public and news media regarding complaints and general inquiries. On December 8, 2008, Myola officially joined the staff of the Atlanta Citizen Review Board providing administrative and budget support to the Executive Director.
Ms. Smith has over 25 years of professional experience in business and management. She attended C.S. Mott College and the University of Michigan-Flint pursing a degree in Business Administration. She later moved to Georgia and currently resides in Northeast Atlanta.