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Why File a Complaint

By Atlanta Citizen Review Board member Tamara Orange

As a sitting ACRB board member, I have had the opportunity to meet with the Atlanta citizenry and hear their concerns about police misconduct. One of the issues that I found on repeat was what's the point in filing a complaint because nothing is going to happen to the offending officer. I have an easy answer for that, now.

On May 25, 2020, a Minneapolis police officer killed one of it's citizens by use of excessive force. When this officer's background was looked into, it was found that 18 complaints had been filed against him. Although only 2 resulted in disciplinary action, more than a pattern of police misconduct had been established. If Minneapolis had an oversight board, such as the ACRB, would things have played out the same way?

It is my hope, that through the Atlanta Citizen Review Board, our citizens help us help our community. Filing a complaint with the ACRB gives the citizens of Atlanta a voice. This voice allows citizens to influence policies and practices of the Atlanta Police Department. This civic engagement will, hopefully, prevent instances like that in Minneapolis, while at the same time, strengthen the relationship between the Atlanta police and the citizens they are charged to protect.